Musings of An American Crip

Here you will find other various philosophies of mine that I’ve put into writing that will probably be much more abstract in nature than the rest of my site. Some of them will be old no matter what the date says on the posting and some of them are new. It really doesn’t matter. They are simply meant to reflect some of my thoughts throughout my life. 
This page will always be in the process of being built as I am going through my writings that are pretty scattered as well as working on new thoughts. I am actually trying to make writing a more serious process to do on a weekly basis.

Any comments are always welcome.

A few podcast episodes that my nephew and I have started sharing our thoughts together should go here as well. For now they are linked in my Google Drive, here.

Here are those snippets of thoughts I’ve had over time that will simply give another look into my brain and my personality, for whatever it’s worth. If anyone finds anything interesting to discuss, let me know.

June 23, 2023 – According to the words in a presentation by Jordan Peterson, it might be a good idea to learn to defend what you think because it might one day be taken from you. However, theologically, this happened to me and I’ve lost the will and ability to defend because I just want to keep it to myself. Acquiring the skill of moral self-defense could be a wise decision as there may come a time when it is no longer available. Nevertheless, I have relinquished my desire and capability to defend as I prefer to keep within myself due to previous, extremely challenging occurrences and subsequently, a shift in perspective of verifying core beliefs that can be academically described as a cognitive dissonance. Furthermore, this statement is coming from a reawakening of a paralyzing fear regarding the activity of writing, specifically about God, due to a venture at obtaining my master’s degree in theological studies at Liberty University. There could be more about this at a later date, but as far as my words here show, I no longer want to write anything at all. So, this will be it for now.

July 23, 2021 – No writing yet, obviously, and honestly I have no desire to do so for a couple of reasons but mainly I have been recently extremely busy with tutoring. I see this as more of a contribution than writing, for the present being, I guess. I do enjoy tutoring and it has given me an opportunity to make an income so I’m very grateful for that. Furthermore, I have been pretty involved in personal church study with my continued venture into Anglicanism and even more personally, I am continuing to very much enjoy a new romantic love in my life and putting forth my efforts to that as well. 
One thing I am considering is to post snippets of thoughts that I’ve compiled over the years instead of doing essays here all the time so that may happen quicker than any other long-form writing. I still have to format it and such so, we’ll see what time and motivation provides.
At any rate, I do have a list of ideas to expound on whenever the appropriate time comes.

June 25, 2021 – There is a quite significant Lodge commitment that I have been putting all of my energy in since my last post and which will take my time for the next several days. I hope to get back into sync with my writing soon.

June 17, 2021 – Personal and Corporate Pentecost

June 11, 2021 – Change your mind, Change your life

May 19, 2021 – Amberly
I have realized after posting this that I made an error in the opening paragraph regarding the reference to the year of her death. Amberly passed in 2003 which will make this year the 18th anniversary. Please read accordingly. May 25, 2021 – I have decided to not write anything for this week in honor to save Amberly’s post in its place for her death anniversary. I hope you’re resting in peace, my love. I love you.

May 12, 2021 – The Beatitudes & Conscientiousness

May 3, 2021 – “What is wrong with lukewarm?”

April 28, 2021 – You are not transcendent of the Transcendent

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Bryan Ridarick
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