Why now?

I’ve been rolling (no pun intended ~ see intro) this project around in my head a little while and since virtually the entire world is shut down over covid-19, I thought I needed something productive to occupy my time so, here I am. That’s really all there is to it. Yes, I could spend my time reading probably 18 hours out of the day which is certainly a productive activity but I thought I would do a little writing myself. 

March 31, 2021 update: So, the ”Crip Bits “ section was actually the catalyst for this site. Then, it turned into a side page. Now, it’s something that I’m going to simply offer as a feature once a year to highlight my favorite book read in the particular year.  This is a result of my schedule becoming increasingly busy with my Masonic work and other volunteer efforts now that things are seeming to open back up slowly. Also, If it’s any consolation, most of my current readings are geared toward self and business development in order to assist in my Masonic career. 
At any rate, to any who run across this site and wonder about my other readings in the year or anything else on my site, please feel free to email me any time. 

June 29, 2020 update: For some reason, my decision to not do this just couldn’t sit with me long-term so today, I’m introducing what I’m going to call for now CRIP BITS. These are going to serve as bits of each book I’ve read that somehow made me reflect the contents back to disability. It seems I can get my head more around this than a full-fledge book report for now. If any of them resonate with you, please check out the book and let me know your thoughts via email or find me on Facebook. This was, honestly, the very idea that began this site but which I’m only now, unfortunately, getting around to. I guess better late than never, right?

I started a theme of reading about strong, male personalities and characteristics that make up those who are considered as such so you should see that pattern in my list as it is posted. There is also a good bit of religious/Christian material. If you’ve enjoyed any of them as I have, let me know!

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Bryan Ridarick
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